Nida’s Bliss – Friday Eve’s

Nida is happy today. It is Friday Eve. One of the best days for Nida. More than the weekend, the beginning of the weekend smells good to her. She is a different person on a Friday eve. Absolutely calm. No where to rush. It is like that comfort cozy cushion, which always almost makes you…

Nida’s Bliss – A Meet with Heidi !

Nida hopes that everyone has been having a great week ! She is excited for the first weekend of the New Year which is almost here ! Last evening, Nida met Heidi. As Nida walked home back from work, a little girl, who walked beside her quietly, holding a little brown packet in her hand…

Mountains – R.T.

Clicked and Owned - @richatara Little stories of the mountains, Filled with love and its people, Soft hellos and teary goodbyes, Falling deodars and Indian maples. They took us along the mighty roads, That travelled far and beyond the clouds, A cup of hot coffee and the precious silence, Calming the mind the river sounds.…

Evolve – E.H. !

It was the longest night in winter,When I sent a question into space,Asking how'd I ever change,When I'm trapped in the same place,And I heard the full moon giggle,As she cloaked me in her light,Along with the same swath of stars,I looked at every night,I blushed pink as a sunrise,At the joke I didn't get,Until…